Electronic Submit Interfaces

FAQ list in university of qasim

Add a question to FAQ list

This interface allows you to add a question to the list of questions that are repeated often by the visitors; if you have a question you think that the answer it facilitates you with some administrative matters or transactions with the university and see from your point of personal view that what poses may benefit the others, too. We are pleased to receive this kind of questions via interactive communication with Al-Qasim Green University System.

The list of questions that are repeated often is one of the outline in the electronic communication systems which are very important in the field of IT distribution because they receive feedback from the user's RSS feed and allow stakeholders to answer this question and then presented to the pages of the site in order to allow others to have the same question viewed directly on the answer and so are saving time and effort for both the sender and the recipient, often referred Questions page that are repeated often by Frequentaly Asked Questions FAQs List. They provide direct support to facilitate communication when using information technology as a basis to build an electronic, objective management used in the higher education sector service.

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